The Benefits of Collaborative Email Software for Business Teams

The Benefits of Collaborative Email Software for Business Teams

What exactly is collaborative email software? With reMARK, it starts with an inbox to which an entire team has access. With this initial starting point, co-workers can collaborate on every email thread and know exactly who has opened or replied to an email.  From there, features and functionality allow the adding of tasks directly to a co-worker or team’s to-do-list so that the work can be managed out of a single email. This helps prevent common issues with business email management, such as time inefficiency, lack of productivity, slow response times, and not knowing who is working on what.

Here are a few of the benefits of collaborative email software for business teams:

Reduces Time Spent Tracking Information Internally

When inboxes are isolated to individuals, a common challenge is that the information in each email is also isolated. According to a recent survey by McKinsey Global Institute, the average worker spends an estimated 20 percent of the workweek looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks. Shared inboxes and shared management of email helps reduce time spent chasing down colleagues for information. Need a bit more information from a coworker?  With the reMARK software, you can communicate with colleagues directly through direct or private chats in your shared inbox. You’ll get what you need without having to send another email.

Helps Prevent Important Information Falling Through The Cracks

Have you missed an important email before, resulting in frustration from the sender and/or lost revenue? We’ve all been there. With shared inboxes, the likelihood of an important email falling through the cracks decreases because there is increased visibility from team members. You’ll never have to worry about missing an important email again.

Improves Project Management

The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints. By having one central communication tool where information is managed, such as the reMARK email software, you can add tasks directly from an email to a co-worker or team’s to-do-list. This reduces the need for multiple different project management tools. 

Improves Client-Customer Relationships

Collaborative email software is beneficial not only internally, but also externally for the customers and other stakeholders. When multiple team members are able to access an email, the recipient is much more likely to get a quicker response. Also, it prevents customers from having to repeat themselves to multiple members of your team, because everyone is in-the-know. Happy customers = referrals = increased business revenue. 

It Keeps Your Teams Productive Outside of The Office

Being out-of-office doesn’t have to mean being out of the loop. Whether a team member is on vacation or working remotely from home, they can access the collaborative email software and know exactly what is happening within the organization in real-time. With reMARK, you can access your team’s inbox from anywhere and stay productive on the go. 

Drive Revenue with reMARK, a Collaborative Email Software for Business Teams

Known for its powerful email software, loyal customer base, and its ability to help businesses control costs and drive revenue – reMARK is one of the most powerful email software platforms in the world. Schedule your demo today. 

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