Do you “work to live” or “live to work”?

Generations are known to be different. But how different are the digital natives, Millennials and their Baby Boomer forefathers? Here are 4 differences between the two generations:

1 Work ethics

Baby Boomers focus on developing their careers through opportunities within one organization or at least one industry. Their movement in an organization is based on seniority and is not always based on skills and expertise. Millennials have entered the workforce with more experience than any generation before them. They will continue to seek this through requests for more experiences and opportunities. If they do not get it at work, they will seek it elsewhere.

1 Payout

For Baby Boomers, money is a status symbol. They “live to work”. Also, they are interested in flexible hours and are looking to create balance in their lives. They strive hard to work and need no balance, hence, no waste of time or play. Although, they are beginning to wonder if it is worth it. Money is today’s payoff according to Millennials. They “work to live”. They value their lifestyle over upward mobility. If they are presented with a work promotion that will throw their life out of balance, they will more or less choose their lifestyle.

1 Qualifications

69% agree that Baby Boomers are ranked as the highest when it comes to being a productive part of their organization. 73% think they are hardworking, 56% define them as a good team player and 55% think that Baby Boomers are good at mentoring others. On the other hand, they are ranked as the lowest when it comes to being adaptable and collaborative. 78% agree that Millennials are the most tech-savvy, and further 70% say they know how to use social media to leverage opportunities. 68% also regard the Millennials as being the most enthusiastic about their jobs. Though, they are scored low at being good team players, hardworking and a productive part of their organization.

1 Use of technology

The Millennials are described as people who are born with a mobile strapped to their ear and a laptop in their cradle. Millennials are comfortable with digital technology, excellent multitaskers – they have had to juggle school, dance classes, soccer training, computer games and other social interests, all whilst sending text messages. They are impatient and require instant gratification, because they have always had all the information they need at their fingertips via the internet. Baby Boomers on the other hand, were the earliest adopters of the internet, the first users to have mobile connectivity, or the first one to sign up to social networking. They have always been criticized for being behindhand in today’s technology but they are actually catching up to younger generations in their use of technology.


Technology’s influence on Nordic IT personnel.
The evolution of technology across generations.
The dilemma of satisfying Baby Boomers in a Millennial world.
Why Millennials and Baby Boomers are a great workforce.
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