Big Data: Q&A with Nordic IT’s Product Manager

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Morten Schnack

Product Manager

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Are you curious to know how Nordic IT feels about Big Data? Learn what Product Manager, Morten Schnack think of Big Data and how to manage high volume emails in the future.  


The data amount is growing faster than before, and it is expected to grow even more in the coming years. What kinds of challenges do you see when it comes to the increasing amount of data?

The challenge of high volume data is the fact that more data is made available to us. When more data becomes available we need to strain attention to it rather than avoid it. The result of growing data, will eventually cause that teams will require advanced technological tools in order to handle high volume data without losing overview of important information. Therefore, managing high volume data can not be a one-man-job, since it is too much for one person to store and handle, which becomes very time-consuming as well.

Do you see this affecting how to manage high volume of data in the future?

More and more data is being made available to each and every one of us, whether we are at work, on Facebook or watching television – and I definitely see this as a challenge and a general problem now and in the future. In order to control our data rather than letting it control us, we need to make conscious choices on how we tend to manage our data and with assistance from specific tools. Otherwise, we risk losing relevant and important information.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In what areas do you see MARK5 as a solution to Big Data Management?

I see MARK5 as a solution to Big Data Management when it comes to lowering the amount of high volume data. A useful feature in MARK5 that helps handle Big Data is that when receiving, sending, forwarding and archiving an email, MARK5 only creates a link between the folder and the email, instead of duplicating the entire email. The smart use of links between multiple emails and multiple folders makes it faster and more efficient to transfer data among users. Thereby, making MARK5 a great collaboration tool because of a better overview of the email-flow that allows the user to search through data more efficiently. At the same time, the links make data storage much more compact.

Related: 3 ways MARK5 can help you handle Big Data.

How will you, as a Product Manager at Nordic IT, keep developing MARK5 to accommodate the growth of Big Data in the future?

At Nordic IT, we always work hard to improve MARK5 to help users work with data more efficiently. Part of our job is to improve the performance of users who process and store Big Data. Recently we introduced a feature in MARK5, which allows users to store old and archived data separate from the main database. To introduce and implement such smart features means that the Development Department continuously need to investigate the newest technology, such as machine learning to see if we can generate or extract metadata of high volume emails. This will allow users to filter content – without even having to read all emails. I believe that our current and further developed features will help accommodate the growth of Big data in the future through intelligent filtering.

What is your best advice for people having trouble handling Big Data in their work life?

My best advice for others is to get an overview of their data, including sorting and filtering. Ask yourself, if you need to see all of the data, and how often you need to see it – maybe, looking at the overall data every two weeks will give you a better overview than checking every day. From my experience, a large amount of email data is often something we think we need, but only some of it has a relevance. So, my last advice would be to make sure to only focus on the important data instead of losing track and overview because of something we do not need.

Related: When Big Data becomes less big.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”SUBSCRIBE TO NORDIC IT NEWS” style=”simple” color=”black”]Make sure never to miss a story from Nordic IT.
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