Introducing the next generation of email: reMARK

Designed to fit the future

Finding solutions to help users in MARK5 work even smarter has been under way!

Needless to say, we are proud to finally announce the introduction of the new generation of MARK5: reMARK. MARK5 has been redesigned, transformed and developed into a new generation of email designed to fit the future requirements of maritime communications. The new design will provide end users with an intuitive and enjoyable user-friendly experience, which will create better workflows and generate even more efficiency with email management. At this point, reMARK is still in beta test, however hard work and many hours have been dedicated to paving the way for the roll out of reMARK. We are very excited and can hardly wait for you to see and experience the final version soon!
We are currently working on further technological enhancements that will provide clients with a new solution where you do not need server installations in order to run reMARK.

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