JoinOcean Shipbrokers Ltd

In 1996, JoinOcean Shipbrokers Ltd was incorporated by Liu Bang Jun in Hainana, China. In 2002, JoinOcean relocated to Shanghai to further develop and expand the brokering business. 

In 2010, in order to continue to build Shanghai into the world’s shipping and financial center, the Chinese government formally approved and certified a total of nine ship broker companies, including JoinOcean, to legally operate their ship broker businesses in China. 

From its first day of establishment, JoinOcean has gradually grown to be one of the leading ship broker companies in China, especially focused on the dry bulk chartering business. JoinOcean utilizes Nordic IT reMARK’s powerful email software to continue to expand and develop its business, cut costs, and improve organization.


Foxmail Couldn’t Keep Up With JoinOcean’s Maritime Email Needs

For years, JoinOcean used Foxmail for their business email server. Foxmail lacked the capability to support JoinOcean’s unique maritime email needs. With Foxmail, the JoinOcean team wasted time archiving and searching for emails. JoinOcean needed the ability to share a team inbox, but Foxmail became slow and clunky with too much data.

Because JoinOcean is in the maritime industry, they receive hundreds or even thousands of emails each day, which quickly took up data space and left their company at risk of having crucial information deleted. JoinOcean knew it was time to find a new email solution for their maritime team.


JoinOcean knew they needed to find a collaborative email solution built specifically for the maritime industry. The other email solutions they researched weren’t suited for high volumes of emails, nor were they ideal for the kind of team sharing JoinOcean required. When the Nordic IT team reached out to JoinOcean and explained reMARK’s powerful email solutions, JoinOcean realized it was the perfect fit.

JoinOcean could rely on Nordic IT because reMARK was built specifically for professional marine email solutions, by people who are actually in the industry. Nordic IT understood the challenges JoinOcean was facing, and they provided the services their ship brokers needed.


Switching the entire company over to a new email platform could have been daunting, but Nordic IT made it a simple and smooth process. Nordic IT provided all the demos, training and knowledge that JoinOcean needed in order to operate the powerful reMARK email software seamlessly.

The IT manager at JoinOcean was trained as a super user so that he would be able to quickly help his fellow employees with the new platform. Nordic IT continually updates JoinOcean IT managers with the latest knowledge and updates to reMARK so that they can establish best practices for their team.


reMark Users
Hour Saved Daily/Per User
0 +
Tons Moved Annually
0 M+


Nordic IT’s maritime email solution reMARK has vastly improved JoinOcean’s teamwork efficiency. They are now able to use shared folders without overwhelming the server and slowing down progress.

Additionally, JoinOcean no longer has to worry about data loss because reMARK is able to holda high volume of emails. By sharing one email server as a team, JoinOcean is saving money and ensuring greater organization. Overall, reMARK allows the JoinOcean team to use time to grow their business and perform important tasks rather than waste precious time sorting through their inbox.




reMARK’s precise and advanced search settings enable the JoinOcean team to quickly find emails from years ago.

Mobile App

The reMARK mobile app allows JoinOcean users to access vast amounts of emails on their phone, even without data. The mobile app seamlessly syncs to the desktop application so that the JoinOcean team can work on the go without worry.


JoinOcean can easily set up filters so that reMARK will sort through thousands of emails to swiftly find specific information.

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