Nordic IT proudly supports AMMITEC with the Gold sponsorship

AMMITEC, the Association of Maritime Managers in Information Technology and Communications, is a non-profit scientific association that brings together the ICT Managers of global shipping companies and everybody else who is involved in Maritime IT & Communications.
Nordic IT’s sponsorship in this great Greek-based association is poised to deliver significant advancements within the maritime shipping sector by synergizing Nordic IT’s collaborative email software, reMARK, with AMMITEC’s dedication to promoting digital transformation.
AMMITEC brings invaluable perspective since their mission seeks to drive the sector toward comprehensive digital transformation and heightened cybersecurity measures. AMMITEC’s commitment to adapting to new challenges and pioneering the role of IT in the rapidly evolving digital shipping landscape ensures that this partnership cultivates a digitally proficient maritime shipping community.
With the maritime industry facing fast-paced digital shifts, this partnership is set to encourage innovation and user-centric development. The two organizations will concentrate their collaborative efforts on the Greece market in addition to collecting valuable feedback that will inform future reMARK features and enhancements.
This initiative marks a significant step towards making the reMARK email software a cornerstone for communication and efficiency in one of the world’s most crucial sectors. By engaging directly with maritime professionals and shipping companies.

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