Wagenborg Shipping

Founded in 1898, Royal Wagenborg is an international family-owned maritime logistics conglomerate. Wagenborg’s extensive Maritime operations and services include ports & terminals, offshore services, and the piece that Nordic IT and reMARK helps with, shipping.

Wagenborg’s shipping department is based out of the northern part of Holland and they predominantly serve clients based in the Baltic Seas, northwest Europe, the Mediterranean, the Americas, and the Far East. Wagenborg continues to grow and expand its operations globally to reach new markets in the Great Lakes, Canada, and more to come in the future.

Wagenborg has a powerful fleet of approximately 190 ships that vary in size and function and can carry anywhere between 2,000 to 25,000 tons. Altogether, it takes about 2,000 people working between the various departments to make Wagenborg the leading multi-purpose shipping company that it is. 


Inefficient Email Flow  | Slowing Down Workflow

Prior to finding Nordic IT and reMARK, Wagenborg’s shipping department was using Microsoft Exchange and Outlook as their maritime email solution. Wagenborgs’ employees found Outlook inconvenient and difficult to use when everyone was working and communicating under a private email address. Private email addresses cut off visibility and significantly decreased communication throughout the team.

Another problem Wagenborgs’ shipping department faced was with Outlook’s limited capabilities and bandwidth to handle the large volume of emails they got throughout even just a single day. Microsoft Outlook lacked the search capabilities and speed that Wagenborg needed to tackle their 4,000 daily emails and day-to-day activities.


It quickly became apparent that a better and faster email solution would be necessary for Wagenborg to remain competitive in the fast-paced and complex maritime shipping industry. Wagenborg employees had heard of MARK5, the previous version of reMARK, through colleagues at other companies and offices who had experience with it.

Wagenborg’s office based in Helsinki was also already using reMARK as their email solution and recommended it to help optimize communication and connectivity amongst the shipping department.



Once Wagenborg decided to transition to using reMARK as their email solution, they reached out to the Nordic IT team, who then made the long trek from Denmark to give some in-person demonstrations. Nordic IT gave comprehensive and interactive demonstrations of all of reMARK’s amazing features to the Wagenborg team so that they could seamlessly transition from their Outlook inboxes to their new and improved reMARK inboxes.

After the demonstrations, Wagenborg’s shipping department was able to go past the basics of their old emails and truly tailor their reMARK inboxes to their individual needs and workflows. Wagenborg found that with the implementation of reMARK, communication and visibility immediately became easier and faster than they had ever been before.


Hrs Saved Daily / User on Avg
Multi-Purpose Vessels
reMARK Users


reMARK eliminates the need for Wagenborg employees to have to sift through 4000+ emails a day to find just a few things that are relevant to their work. Many employees are now using automatic filters and vessel-specific Smart Folders to ensure that everything is easier to find and connected in a single inbox. The automatic filters and folders ultimately save them many hours and logistical headaches.

The speed of reMARK’s search capabilities has also helped Wagenborg’s shipping department improve their time management and email efficiency as a whole. reMARK’s search system ensures the extremely fast retrieval of any email so that they can answer emails faster, cut costs and drive their revenue. The Wagenborg team can quickly reference an email via:

– Ship 
– Customer
– Voyage
– Email status


Before the pandemic hit, Wagenborg employees were traveling frequently, and they found themselves using the reMARK mobile app on a daily basis. The mobile app gave them access to their inbox from any smartphone or tablet and was perfect for keeping the team connected and productive while on the road.

reMARK is more than a simple email solution; it is a comprehensive dashboard that includes all the tools the Wagenborg team needs to run their daily operations and communication in an effective manner. Thanks to reMARK’s Read By statuses, everyone can now see exactly who has opened, forwarded, printed, deleted, edited or commented on a thread of emails.


Team Functionality

reMARK’s Team Overview function makes it easy to collaborate with your team on every email thread. reMARK’s Read By statuses and comment section also present opportunities for communication.


reMARKs search system ensures the fast retrieval of any email with search power that is as fast as you can type.


Automated email filters help keep inboxes organized and easy to navigate through. reMARK allows you to filter by any row or column to help you find what you need.

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