Why Email Efficiency Is Critical For Businesses
Did you know that on average office employees receive a minimum of 200 email messages every day (Forbes)? That typical volume of incoming email has a significant impact on productivity. Each email is an input that must be processed, and for most employees, it can take the better part of two and a half hours in an eight-hour workday just to read and respond to these incoming requests.
Much of the email review and response process can be unproductive time that could be better spent filled with more efficient tasks, but one of the key concerns many business professionals have is: How do I know I’m not going to miss an important email?
Email Tools Can Help!
In order to improve email efficiency, it is critical to have the right tools to help organize and prioritize inbound messages and filter those that are applicable to the role of the employee. Having optimal filters in place can allow a busy professional to seamlessly prioritize the emails that are most crucial between those vital working hours. By capitalizing on these digital tools to help streamline your inbound email messages, you can stay on task easier, be more productive and excel in whatever project you’re currently working on.
reMark is a powerful email software that is ideal for business teams that not only allows the use of effective filters, but also automatic archiving of emails, effective search options and sharing inboxes across multiple employees.
Constantly Checking Emails
Also according to Forbes, the average worker checks their email at least 15 times per day. In fact, every time you log in and open your email, you’re being distracted.
These are constant and almost incessant interruptions. Each time a person opens their email to check it, productivity can be impacted. getting lost for 15, 30, or even 60 minutes or more, all chasing down emails, responding to some that aren’t really important enough to warrant disruption in the middle of the day.
Improving Email Efficiency
At the end of the day, the most important thing for any business professional is to be productive. Unfortunately, in today’s technologically driven society, distractions abound.
Email has a proverbial stranglehold on productivity, according to another Forbes article. Some research indicates that for every time a person is interrupted from a specific task they’re doing, it requires several minutes for them to finally be able to return their full attention back to that previous task.
Infiltrating our business worlds are massive volumes of marketing promotions and advertisements disguised as vital, important questions in the guise of service or consumer-generated emails.
When an email subject line is carefully crafted, it inspires readers to open it, whether they’re at work, at home, in transit, or even waiting in line at the grocery store.
In order to improve email efficiency, it is critical to have the right tools to help organize and prioritize all inbound messages and place those that are secondary onto the back burner. Having optimal filters in place can allow a busy professional to seamlessly prioritize the emails that are most crucial between those vital working hours.
How Does Organization and Efficiency Help You?
Most people are already bombarded by a never-ending cycle of information filtering in through their mobile devices. Actually, everywhere you go you are hit with messages for ads, services, products and more.
By capitalizing on the digital tools available to help streamline your inbound email messages, you can stay on task easier, be more productive and excel in whatever project you’re currently working on.
How Does Efficiency Help Your Company as a Whole?
Imagine a company has one hundred employees. Now, let’s say each employee spends that 2 and a half hours every day distracted by emails. Let’s also say, for example, that those employees could cut that time down to just half an hour in the morning and perhaps 15 minutes at the end of the day, checking for any critical messages before they head home.
The amount of time saved across that company would be 175 hours (1.75 hours per employee). Each day. Now, at an average pay rate of $30 per hour, that would be a cost savings to the business of $5,250. That’s a lot of payroll.
That’s also a ton of productive time that could be gained.
reMark is a powerful email software that is ideal for business teams that not only allows the use of effective filters, but also automatic archiving of emails, effective search options and sharing inboxes across multiple employees.
Another critical component of email efficiency is the response times. Acknowledging an email was received may seem like a simple task, but each one could take a couple of minutes to type. Just 50 responses could warrant 100 minutes or more.
Automating the process can add valuable minutes to productivity every single day for each team member. Having the right email software solution for business teams is a powerful asset that can boost productivity and focus.