Casper Thalund
Head of Service and Projects
Casper Thalund, Head of Service and Project:
The way users work with their email application, depends a lot on the type of organization and the processes within the organization. For instance, a maritime operation department might spend a lot of time on drag and drop functionality and filing emails manually because this suits their workflow best. Perhaps, these users still drag and drop emails into folders because they think they need to and are convinced that it is a smart way to create an overview and keep track of all incoming emails. However, this is not vey efficient because the user has to evaluate on every single email received. And when you receive 100s of emails everyday, it can quickly become almost impossible to locate an email again later on. Why drag and drop emails between folders, when you can use automatic filtering of emails and find the email you are looking for extremely fast? We have examples of clients who send and receive a lot of emails every day, and have great success with automatic filtering since they are able to create rules for specific words that automatically filter emails for them. In this way the user must trust that the system filters emails correctly. In return the reMARK system does all the work and the user saves a lot of valuable time that instead can be spent on other more important tasks – which must be the ultimate goal.
Related: How to automatically filter emails
It is important to remember that email sorting is not black and white in reMARK. We respect that all organizations are different and so are workflows, which is why we do not dictate workflows or how users should organize their email inbox. In reMARK we simply recommend automatic filtering of emails instead of spending time on the drag and drop functionality and filing emails manually. Because, automatic filtering of emails saves time and the user gains significant efficiency, which can not be achieved by drag and drop of emails. This means that automatic filtering has a more positive effect on email user workflows compared to drag and drop functionality.