Painless Email Transition for Maritime Shipping Companies

Making the switch from a generic email system reMARK can be daunting, but Nordic IT’s team makes the transition virtually painless. Our email collaboration tool offers many features that support better workflows and more productivity, so your maritime shipping company can get the most out of its communication. In this blog post we will discuss how our team ensures success every step of the way when companies make the switch to reMARK.

Simplifying the Switch from Generic Email to reMARK

Using common generic email systems such as MS Outlook or a standard shared inbox tool for commercial maritime shipping operations can be tedious and inefficient. reMARK offers a far better solution for managing high volumes of email traffic associated with maritime shipping operations. Making the switch from one email system to another, however, is not necessarily an easy undertaking without a team of experts. And understandably, maritime shipping companies want to ensure that all of their data is maintained when moving to a new system. That’s why when moving from email systems like MS Outlook, for example, we are able to import every crucial piece of data including emails, folders, contact, and circulation lists. 

While the solution itself is highly advanced, we simplify the transition for new users by tailoring it to each client as part of our onboarding with reMARK. This is how we can smooth the transition process for those who are much more accustomed with your current system. By maintaining all the functionality of your current email tool, users can feel at ease knowing that they can still rely on the features they use daily. While the implementation process may depend on the email system you are coming from, we always ascertain that end-users have a strong grasp on using reMARK by scheduling training by the time you go live with the tool.

reMARK ensures continuity of operations by importing emails from your previous system. This means you’ll have access to old and new emails from both systems, and even enables you to search through emails from your prior system. So, not only do you have access to even more features and functionality with reMARK, but you also have the reassurance of knowing that no emails or data will be lost in the abyss. 

Providing Hyper-care Support for an Impressively Simple Transition

reMARK’s intuitive interface is designed for users to be productive from the start. This is not unlike our onboarding process. First, we’ll send an implementation document for your completion. From there, Nordic IT does all the heavy lifting – from server preparation and installation, to importing the data to your new system. We then offer workshops to evaluate workflow options as well as general best practices across companies and departments. Typically, we will train end-users and IT personnel on-site, ensuring an expeditious and successful reMARK rollout.

Offering hyper-care enables us to attend to any reMARK-related concerns you may have post-implementation. However, end-users can rest assured that our tool contains all your favorite features and functionality from their old system, and more. Our support team holds training for one department at a time while remaining on-site for additional questions about reMARK. Above all, we want to ensure a comfortable learning pace as new users get familiarized with a brand new system.

Nordic IT: Email Migration Done Right

Transitioning to reMARK doesn’t have to be a headache. With Nordic IT, we offer a comprehensive solution that will take care of everything – from data import to training end-users. Our email collaboration tool is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, and we offer thorough training with our team of experts so you can hit the ground running with reMARK. If you’re ready to make the switch from your generic system to reMARK, contact our team today to get started. 

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