Combining Search and Smart folders
Combining Search and Smart folders in order to achieve a fast search inside folders.
How to add a bookmark and how to jump to that bookmark.
Missing the File bar at the top (MARK5)
Before we start, Please take a screenshot of how your layout / favorites looks now. Then save the picture. It will then be easier to re-create the layout you had before.
Best way of setting up your smart folder
In order to troubleshoot or change your conditions the best possible way. We will show you how to set it up for future use.
Filing with easy steps
This is to show the possibilities of using our file function inside reMARK.
Missing folder
If a folder has gone missing or if it’s moved and you cannot find it, there’s a possibility to search directly for that folder.
Change of layout in reMARK (Horizontal view)
If the default layout doesn’t fit, there’s an option to choose “Horizontal view”.
Quick Search
If you want to do a quick search without navigating to another “Tab”, then there’s an option added in reMARK for that.
How to select a default mailbox (MARK5)
Selecting a default mailbox can be useful, if you as a MARK5 user, has access to more than one mailbox.
File email to another user (To-do list)
Quick and simple ways to make your colleagues aware of an important email.